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Writing 159: Scientific Literacy

Winter Quarter 2019

Instructor: Norman Douglas ("Doug") Bradley


Science literacy focuses on enhancing the delivery, understanding, retention, and engagement of scientific information for various target audiences, particularly the general public. This course provides undergraduates with a passion for STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) disciplines a foundation in science communication practices that explain, persuade, describe, and entertain. Coursework focuses on composition, public speaking, graphics designs and numeric representations for creating effective written works, talks, podcasts, blogs, videos, press releases, policy briefs, posters, and reports about scientific topics. Students will learn how to craft scientific stories that are accurate, realistic and compelling.


During the 2019 Winter quarter, Writing 159A, Science Literacy, meets 11:00–12:15 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays in HSSB 1211.


Science Communication at UC Santa Barbara

UC Santa Barbara is consistently placed within the top tiers of several college rankings for its undergraduate and graduate programs. UCSB students, faculty and staff are justly proud of these honors, but much of this success is due to UCSB's longstanding, openly collaborative culture between diverse disciplines and departments, both on and off campus. Invariably, each of these successful collaborations has required effective science communication.


Science Communication at UCSB is approached from several directions, each operating within different administrative frameworks and having different emphases: